


According to the results of field tests during the month and commercial operation during the second month, we officially present two GreenFuelW32AB charging stations with OCPP connected to our partner - billing network www.charging123.com. This connection - charging station-billing network allows customers to carry out very flexible commercial operation of charging stations, setting their own tariffs, etc. Charging stations interact with customers through the cross-platform mobile application Android / iOS, and are also activated via a QR code.


The GreenFuelW32AB charging station can be connected at any point both in Ukraine and abroad, where there is an Internet connection or 3G / 4G mobile communication.


The existing GreenFuelW32 stations, which were modified to the paid mode, have been operating for free for more than 3 years. In this case, the client paid for the upgrade of existing stations, and not for the acquisition of a new one, which is economically very profitable.


Come to the tests and charge your electric cars at the address Kiev, Bolsunovskaya, 13-15, IQ Business Center, -1 floor of the parking lot.


GreenFuel Team

IMG 0759




Green Fuel Club – community that gathers Ukrainian electric cars owners, fans and enthusiasts of alternative energy market. Our discount cards give benefits and other advantages from our clients- owners of GreenFuel charging stations. All our members are subscribed to our electric cars market newsletters with the results of test drives, new innovative technologies, etc. Our Club card is also a personal access card to the charging stations.

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