According to the results of field tests during the month and commercial operation during the second month, we officially present two GreenFuelW32AB charging stations with OCPP connected to our partner - billing network This connection - charging station-billing network allows customers to carry out very flexible commercial operation of charging stations, setting their own tariffs, etc. Charging stations interact with customers through the cross-platform mobile application Android / iOS, and are also activated via a QR code.
The GreenFuelW32AB charging station can be connected at any point both in Ukraine and abroad, where there is an Internet connection or 3G / 4G mobile communication.
The existing GreenFuelW32 stations, which were modified to the paid mode, have been operating for free for more than 3 years. In this case, the client paid for the upgrade of existing stations, and not for the acquisition of a new one, which is economically very profitable.
Come to the tests and charge your electric cars at the address Kiev, Bolsunovskaya, 13-15, IQ Business Center, -1 floor of the parking lot.
GreenFuel Team